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fixed positionの例文


  • the right side of rokka is my fixed position
  • that have a fixed position and velocity .
    ある時点では 位置と速度は 決まっています
  • rokka right branch ... ming ming i personally fixed position
    六花的右边... 明明是我的固定位置
  • and release the third disk from its initially fixed position .
    もう一枚のディスクは 元の位置から解放させます
  • there was just one fixed position for the jugon hakase , which was equivalent to jushichiinojo (junior seventh rank , upper grade ).
  • in the late muromachi period , daimon was made of linen with its pattern on a fixed position and was considered as the second formal wear , following hitatare .
  • our investigators have concluded that the jackscrew snapped and the elevator was frozen in a fixed position , locking the elevator in a down position which forced the plane into a dive .
    我々の結論は ジャックスクリューが折れて 水平安定板が下降する位置で
  • under the ritsuryo system , the jugonshi were considered indispensable for their spells , their medical treatments of the sick and their efforts to make childbirth safer , and the most outstanding from among the jugonshi was appointed jugon hakase (master sorcerer , with only one such fixed position ); the jugon hakase worked to train and cultivate the jugonsei (apprentice sorcerers , for whom six fixed positions existed ).